A HUGE GIVEAWAY is happening at Pages in Time!!
Want to know what you can win.
*One Grand Prize A big scrap book giveaway that equaled to over $150.00 in merchandise!*One $50.00 Gift Certificate*One $25.00 Gift Certificate* Five $10.00 Gift Certificate*A Spot on our Design Team as a Guest!** Lots and lots of other store prizes!
The more you do the more you can win!
Ok what do you need to do: You get points for doing these things! Stop by daily and post a lo,pic or card at the Pages in time Blog and in the gallery at Pages in Time! State its for the Christmas Givaway!
Every thing you enter in the gallery gives you 2 points. If its a X,mas lo,card etc you get an 5 extra points!~You get 10 extra points if you join a challenge and do the challenge!~
You buy a gift certificate here for a X,mas gift or even for yourself at least $10 you get 3 points if you buy one $25 you get 5 points,and if its above that you get 10 points!~
You join a group and participate in it! 6 points if you are already in one, start a new group -10 points!~
Do one of the X,mas games that is posted! Each week a new X, mas game, anyone who participates gets 5 points-Winner of the games gets 10 points!~
Find the hidden Santa's around the site and tell me where you found them, you will get 5 points for each Santa you find. There will be one hidden Christmas tree ,one Angel, hiding through out the month, find them and you get 15 points!
More Extra Bonus Points:
Post a tip or technique -3 points for each one you post.Post a sketch (has to be your own) 15 points. Post a Holiday Recipe-4 points each one you post. Leave a comment on Karen's blog 3 points each time you do. Post a video-6 points. Start a new Discussion anywhere on the site 4 points.
Extra Extra Points!
Have the most friends here on line 20 points! Have a friend sign up 15 points each friend that signs up! Blog about our site 12 points!
How am I going to keep track of your points,you will keep track of your own points then send Karen as email [do not post it in the forum] your points, you can keep adding them up through-out the month. Karen's email is pages_in_time@hotmail.com.
This is going to be fun!! Join us in our first ever Christmas BIG GIVEAWAY! I promise everyone who enters wins! This is going to be a fun way to win prizes!!! Come and join us!!